Next Generation Energy Park<\\\/a><\\\/h5>\\n

In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the\\u00a0Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\\\/p>\\n\\n

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Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Panphlet<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Next Generation Energy Park","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/next-generation-energy-park\/","post_featured_image":"

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Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is a good length"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The focus keyword for this article appears in the SEO description which means it has a better chance of matching what your visitors will search for, brilliant!","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description contains your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 135 and 300 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. 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One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Focus keywords are intended to be unique so you're less likely to write duplicate content. So far all your focus keywords are unique, way to go!","more_info":"\t\tWhilst duplicate content isn't technically penalized it presents three rather niggly issues for search engines:\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t1. It's unclear which versions to include\/exclude from their indexes.\r\n\t\t2. They don't know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link equity, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions.\t\t\r\n\t\t3. The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. 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As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 0 words which is more than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. A low keyword density means your content has less chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You have 1 internal and 1 external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. 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With that said, don't force keywords into all your titles - keep it natural, readable, and use moderation!","status_msg":"Your focus keyword was found in 1 subheadings"}}},"%_wds_readability%":"9, 9, , ","%_edit_last%":"7","%_wds_meta-robots-adv%":",","%_dt_sidebar_position%":"right","%_dt_sidebar_widgetarea_id%":"sidebar_1","%_dt_sidebar_hide_on_mobile%":"0","%_dt_footer_show%":"1","%_dt_footer_widgetarea_id%":"sidebar_2","%_dt_footer_hide_on_mobile%":"0","%_dt_header_title%":"enabled","%_dt_header_background%":"normal","%_dt_header_background_below_slideshow%":"disabled","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_color_scheme%":"light","%_dt_header_transparent_top_bar_bg_color%":"#ffffff","%_dt_header_transparent_top_bar_bg_opacity%":"25","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_color%":"#000000","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_opacity%":"50","%_dt_header_disabled_background%":"normal","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_color_scheme%":"light","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_top_bar_bg_color%":"#ffffff","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_top_bar_bg_opacity%":"25","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_color%":"#000000","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_opacity%":"50","%_dt_page_overrides_top_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_right_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_bottom_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_left_margin%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_top%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_right%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_bottom%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_left%":"","%_dt_post_options_back_button%":"","%_dt_post_options_hide_thumbnail%":"0","%_dt_post_options_related_mode%":"same","%_dt_post_options_preview%":"normal","%_elementor_template_type%":"wp-post","%_elementor_version%":"3.6.7","%_elementor_pro_version%":"3.7.2","%_thumbnail_id%":"965","%location%":"Japan, Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Wakamatsu Ward, Hibikimachi, 2 Chome, \u97ff\u7058\u98a8\u529b\u767a\u96fb\u65bd\u8a2d, 33.9457864, 130.7996459, 19, ChIJE1t3VNS5QzURR_FTaZtd1ak, \u97ff\u7058\u98a8\u529b\u767a\u96fb\u65bd\u8a2d, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 808-0021, Japan, JP","%_location%":"field_61464f73473d0","%_wp_page_template%":"default","%_wds_trimmed_excerpt%":"In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovat ...","%_dt_microsite_primary_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_split_left_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_split_right_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_mobile_menu%":"","%_elementor_edit_mode%":"builder","%insight_post_options%":"a:44:{s:12:\"post_gallery\";N;s:10:\"post_video\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"post_audio\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"post_quote_text\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"post_quote_name\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"post_quote_url\";s:0:\"\";s:9:\"post_link\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"site_layout\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"site_width\";s:0:\"\";s:16:\"site_top_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:19:\"site_bottom_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"site_class\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"site_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"site_background_image\";s:0:\"\";s:22:\"site_background_repeat\";s:9:\"no-repeat\";s:26:\"site_background_attachment\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"site_background_position\";s:0:\"\";s:20:\"site_background_size\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"content_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"content_background_image\";s:0:\"\";s:25:\"content_background_repeat\";s:9:\"no-repeat\";s:27:\"content_background_position\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"top_bar_type\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"header_type\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"header_overlay\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"header_skin\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"menu_display\";s:0:\"\";s:13:\"menu_one_page\";s:1:\"0\";s:16:\"custom_dark_logo\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"custom_light_logo\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"custom_logo_width\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"custom_sticky_logo_width\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"page_title_bar_layout\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"page_title_bar_bottom_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:31:\"page_title_bar_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:25:\"page_title_bar_background\";s:0:\"\";s:33:\"page_title_bar_background_overlay\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"page_title_bar_custom_heading\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"page_sidebar_1\";s:7:\"default\";s:14:\"page_sidebar_2\";s:7:\"default\";s:21:\"page_sidebar_position\";s:7:\"default\";s:17:\"revolution_slider\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"slider_position\";s:5:\"below\";s:13:\"footer_enable\";s:0:\"\";}","%sdgs%":"","%_sdgs%":"field_616e980165a0d","%is_featured%":"0","%_is_featured%":"field_6188689d41737","%_wds_ignored_checks%":"content_length, keyword_density, imgalts_keywords","%_elementor_data%":"[{\"id\":\"7ea82608\",\"elType\":\"section\",\"settings\":[],\"elements\":[{\"id\":\"c1506aa\",\"elType\":\"column\",\"settings\":{\"_column_size\":100},\"elements\":[{\"id\":\"76784491\",\"elType\":\"widget\",\"settings\":{\"editor\":\"\\n
Next Generation Energy Park<\\\/a><\\\/h5>\\n

In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the\\u00a0Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\\\/p>\\n\\n

Source\\u00a0:\\u00a0Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Panphlet<\\\/a><\\\/strong><\\\/p>\\n\"},\"elements\":[],\"widgetType\":\"text-editor\"}],\"isInner\":false}],\"isInner\":false}]","%_elementor_controls_usage%":{"text-editor":{"count":1,"control_percent":0,"controls":{"content":{"section_editor":{"editor":1}}}},"column":{"count":1,"control_percent":0,"controls":[]},"section":{"count":1,"control_percent":0,"controls":[]}},"%_wds_focus-keywords%":"energy park, SDGs Kitakyushu","%_wds_meta-robots-nofollow%":"","%_wds_meta-robots-noindex%":"","%wds_primary_category%":"16","%_betterdocs_reusable_block_ids%":"","%_elementor_page_assets%":{"styles":["widget-text-editor"]},"%_elementor_css%":{"time":1740018199,"fonts":[],"icons":[],"dynamic_elements_ids":[],"status":"inline","0":"","css":".elementor-963 .elementor-element.elementor-element-7ea82608 > .elementor-container > .elementor-row{align-items:stretch;}.elementor-widget-text-editor{color:var( --e-global-color-text );}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-stacked .elementor-drop-cap{background-color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-framed .elementor-drop-cap, .elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-default .elementor-drop-cap{color:var( --e-global-color-primary );border-color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}"},"taxonomy=category":"Facility","taxonomy=post_tag":"","taxonomy=post_format":""}},"id":963,"infowindow_disable":false}],"map_property":{"map_id":"2","debug_mode":false},"shapes":{"drawing_editable":false},"filters":{"filters_container":"[data-container=\"wpgmp-filters-container\"]"}}).data("wpgmp_maps");});


In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Panphlet<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Next Generation Energy Park","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/next-generation-energy-park\/","post_featured_image":"

\"Next<\/div>","post_categories":"Facility","post_tags":"","%_edit_lock%":"1658809610:7","%_wds_analysis%":{"errors":[],"percentage":100,"checks":{"focus":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Nice work, now that we know what your article is about we can be more specific in analysis.","more_info":"Selecting focus keywords helps describe what your content is about.","status_msg":"There are some focus keywords"},"focus_stopwords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You kept the focus keywords or key phrases of your article to the point, way to go!","more_info":"Stop words are words which can be considered insignificant in a search query, either because they are way too common, or because they do not convey much information. Such words are often filtered out from a search query. Ideally, you will want such words to not be a part of your article focus.","status_msg":"Focus to the point"},"title_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keyword(s) in the SEO title meaning it has the best chance of matching what users are searching for first up - nice work.","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO title of a page because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the greater the chance that your article will be found higher up in search results. Whilst it's recommended to try and get these words in, don't sacrifice readability and the quality of the SEO title just to rank higher - people may not want to click on it if it doesn't read well.","status_msg":"The SEO title contains your focus keyword(s)"},"title_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO title is 64 characters which is between the recommended best practice of 50-65 characters.","more_info":"Your SEO title is the most important element because it is what users will see in search engine results. You'll want to make sure that you have your focus keywords in there, that it's a nice length, and that people will want to click on it. Best practices suggest keeping your titles between 50 and 65 characters including spaces, though in some cases 60 is the sweetspot. The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is a good length"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The focus keyword for this article appears in the SEO description which means it has a better chance of matching what your visitors will search for, brilliant!","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description contains your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 135 and 300 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO meta descriptions, just remember to make your description great for SEO, but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your meta description is a good length"},"slug_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keywords in the page slug which can help your page rank as you have a higher chance of matching search terms, and Google does index your page URL, great stuff!","more_info":"The page URL you use for this post will be visible in search engine results, so it's important to also include words that the searcher is looking for (your focus keywords). It's debatable whether keywords in the slug are of any real search engine ranking benefit. 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The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. 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As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 0 words which is more than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. 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Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You have 1 internal and 1 external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. In printed texts, a writer usually starts off with some kind of teaser, but there is no time for that if you are writing for the web. You only have seconds to gain your reader\u2019s attention. Make sure the first paragraph tells the main message of your post. That way, you make it easy for your reader to figure out what your post is about. Doing this also tells Google what your post is about. Don\u2019t forget to put your focus keyword in that first paragraph!\t\t\t\t\t","status_msg":"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of your article"},"subheadings_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've used keywords in 1 of your subheadings which will help both the user and search engines quickly figure out what your article is about, good work!","more_info":"When trying to rank for certain keywords, those keywords should be found in as many key places as possible. Given that you're writing about the topic it only makes sense that you mention it in at least one of your subheadings. Headings are important for users as they break up your content and help readers figure out what the text is about. Same goes for search engines. With that said, don't force keywords into all your titles - keep it natural, readable, and use moderation!","status_msg":"Your focus keyword was found in 1 subheadings"}}},"%_wds_readability%":"9, 9, , ","%_edit_last%":"7","%_wds_meta-robots-adv%":",","%_dt_sidebar_position%":"right","%_dt_sidebar_widgetarea_id%":"sidebar_1","%_dt_sidebar_hide_on_mobile%":"0","%_dt_footer_show%":"1","%_dt_footer_widgetarea_id%":"sidebar_2","%_dt_footer_hide_on_mobile%":"0","%_dt_header_title%":"enabled","%_dt_header_background%":"normal","%_dt_header_background_below_slideshow%":"disabled","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_color_scheme%":"light","%_dt_header_transparent_top_bar_bg_color%":"#ffffff","%_dt_header_transparent_top_bar_bg_opacity%":"25","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_color%":"#000000","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_opacity%":"50","%_dt_header_disabled_background%":"normal","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_color_scheme%":"light","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_top_bar_bg_color%":"#ffffff","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_top_bar_bg_opacity%":"25","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_color%":"#000000","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_opacity%":"50","%_dt_page_overrides_top_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_right_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_bottom_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_left_margin%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_top%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_right%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_bottom%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_left%":"","%_dt_post_options_back_button%":"","%_dt_post_options_hide_thumbnail%":"0","%_dt_post_options_related_mode%":"same","%_dt_post_options_preview%":"normal","%_elementor_template_type%":"wp-post","%_elementor_version%":"3.6.7","%_elementor_pro_version%":"3.7.2","%_thumbnail_id%":"965","%location%":"Japan, Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Wakamatsu Ward, Hibikimachi, 2 Chome, \u97ff\u7058\u98a8\u529b\u767a\u96fb\u65bd\u8a2d, 33.9457864, 130.7996459, 19, ChIJE1t3VNS5QzURR_FTaZtd1ak, \u97ff\u7058\u98a8\u529b\u767a\u96fb\u65bd\u8a2d, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 808-0021, Japan, JP","%_location%":"field_61464f73473d0","%_wp_page_template%":"default","%_wds_trimmed_excerpt%":"In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovat ...","%_dt_microsite_primary_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_split_left_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_split_right_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_mobile_menu%":"","%_elementor_edit_mode%":"builder","%insight_post_options%":"a:44:{s:12:\"post_gallery\";N;s:10:\"post_video\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"post_audio\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"post_quote_text\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"post_quote_name\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"post_quote_url\";s:0:\"\";s:9:\"post_link\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"site_layout\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"site_width\";s:0:\"\";s:16:\"site_top_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:19:\"site_bottom_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"site_class\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"site_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"site_background_image\";s:0:\"\";s:22:\"site_background_repeat\";s:9:\"no-repeat\";s:26:\"site_background_attachment\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"site_background_position\";s:0:\"\";s:20:\"site_background_size\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"content_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"content_background_image\";s:0:\"\";s:25:\"content_background_repeat\";s:9:\"no-repeat\";s:27:\"content_background_position\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"top_bar_type\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"header_type\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"header_overlay\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"header_skin\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"menu_display\";s:0:\"\";s:13:\"menu_one_page\";s:1:\"0\";s:16:\"custom_dark_logo\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"custom_light_logo\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"custom_logo_width\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"custom_sticky_logo_width\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"page_title_bar_layout\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"page_title_bar_bottom_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:31:\"page_title_bar_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:25:\"page_title_bar_background\";s:0:\"\";s:33:\"page_title_bar_background_overlay\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"page_title_bar_custom_heading\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"page_sidebar_1\";s:7:\"default\";s:14:\"page_sidebar_2\";s:7:\"default\";s:21:\"page_sidebar_position\";s:7:\"default\";s:17:\"revolution_slider\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"slider_position\";s:5:\"below\";s:13:\"footer_enable\";s:0:\"\";}","%sdgs%":"","%_sdgs%":"field_616e980165a0d","%is_featured%":"0","%_is_featured%":"field_6188689d41737","%_wds_ignored_checks%":"content_length, keyword_density, imgalts_keywords","%_elementor_data%":"[{\"id\":\"7ea82608\",\"elType\":\"section\",\"settings\":[],\"elements\":[{\"id\":\"c1506aa\",\"elType\":\"column\",\"settings\":{\"_column_size\":100},\"elements\":[{\"id\":\"76784491\",\"elType\":\"widget\",\"settings\":{\"editor\":\"\\n
Next Generation Energy Park<\\\/a><\\\/h5>\\n

In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the\\u00a0Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\\\/p>\\n\\n

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The operation of Japan\u2019s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city\u00a0prospered as a steel town. The Higashida Daiichi\u00a0Blast Furnace is\u00a0a historical site symbolising Japan's industrial revolution.<\/p>\r\n","post_title":"Higashida Daiichi Blast Furnace","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/higashida-daiichi-blast-furnace\/","post_featured_image":"

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The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is too long"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The focus keyword for this article appears in the SEO description which means it has a better chance of matching what your visitors will search for, brilliant!","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description contains your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 135 and 300 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO meta descriptions, just remember to make your description great for SEO, but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your meta description is a good length"},"slug_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keywords in the page slug which can help your page rank as you have a higher chance of matching search terms, and Google does index your page URL, great stuff!","more_info":"The page URL you use for this post will be visible in search engine results, so it's important to also include words that the searcher is looking for (your focus keywords). It's debatable whether keywords in the slug are of any real search engine ranking benefit. One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Focus keywords are intended to be unique so you're less likely to write duplicate content. Consider changing the focus keywords to something unique.","more_info":"\t\tWhilst duplicate content isn't technically penalized it presents three rather niggly issues for search engines:\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t1. It's unclear which versions to include\/exclude from their indexes.\r\n\t\t2. They don't know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link equity, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions.\t\t\r\n\t\t3. The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. Where possible, it\u2019s also a great opportunity to include your focus keyword(s) to further associate the article with the topic you\u2019re writing about.","more_info":"Image alternative text attributes help search engines correctly index images, aid visually impaired readers, and the text is used in place of the image if it's unable to load. You should add alternative text for all images in your content.","status_msg":"You haven't added any images"},"content_length":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The best practice minimum content length for the web is 300 words so we recommend you aim for at least this amount - the more the merrier.","more_info":"Content is ultimately the bread and butter of your SEO. Without words, your pages and posts will have a hard time ranking for the keywords you want them to. As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 27 words which is less than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. A low keyword density means your content has less chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You should consider adding at least one internal link to another related article.","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't added any internal or external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. In printed texts, a writer usually starts off with some kind of teaser, but there is no time for that if you are writing for the web. You only have seconds to gain your reader\u2019s attention. Make sure the first paragraph tells the main message of your post. That way, you make it easy for your reader to figure out what your post is about. Doing this also tells Google what your post is about. Don\u2019t forget to put your focus keyword in that first paragraph!\t\t\t\t\t","status_msg":"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of your article"},"subheadings_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Using subheadings in your content (such as H2's or H3's) will help both the user and search engines quickly figure out what your article is about. It also helps visually section your content which in turn is great user experience. 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In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Panphlet<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Next Generation Energy Park","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/next-generation-energy-park\/","post_featured_image":"

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Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center pamphlet<\\\/a><\\\/strong><\\\/p>\\n

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<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","content":"In the 1950’s, Uomachi Gintengai was born as the first shopping arcade in Japan. Many fine-food stores, general stores, and more are lined up along a 400-meter street that makes its way as far as Tanga Market. Among them can be found many local specialties such as fried udon. Visitors will enjoy its lively atmosphere, wandering around. The solar panels attached its roof provided electricity for LED lights to lighten up itself. The UFO-like shape looks rather futuristic.Their initiatives won the 1st prize of ‘Japan SDGs Award’ in 2019, with their various projects ranging from environmentally-friendly actions to peer-learning activities..","address":"Uomachi Gintengai, 1 Chome-1 Uomachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan","location":{"lat":33.884693,"lng":130.8800528,"onclick_action":"marker","redirect_permalink":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/uomachi-gintengai\/","zoom":12,"extra_fields":{"post_excerpt":"In the 1950’s, Uomachi Gintengai was born as the first shopping arcade in Japan. Many fine-food stores, general stores, and more are lined up along a 400-meter street that makes its way as far as Tanga Market. Among them can be found many local specialties such as fried udon. Visitors will enjoy its lively atmosphere, wandering around. The solar panels attached its roof provided electricity for LED lights to lighten up itself. The UFO-like shape looks rather futuristic.Their initiatives won the 1st prize of ‘Japan SDGs Award’ in 2019, with their various projects ranging from environmentally-friendly actions to peer-learning activities..","post_content":"In the 1950's, Uomachi Gintengai was born as the first shopping arcade in Japan. Many fine-food stores, general stores, and more are lined up along a 400-meter street that makes its way as far as Tanga Market. Among them can be found many local specialties such as fried udon. Visitors will enjoy its lively atmosphere, wandering around. The solar panels attached its roof provided electricity for LED lights to lighten up itself. The UFO-like shape looks rather futuristic.Their initiatives won the 1st prize of 'Japan SDGs Award' in 2019, with their various projects ranging from environmentally-friendly actions to peer-learning activities..","post_title":"Uomachi Gintengai","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/uomachi-gintengai\/","post_featured_image":"
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One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Focus keywords are intended to be unique so you're less likely to write duplicate content. So far all your focus keywords are unique, way to go!","more_info":"\t\tWhilst duplicate content isn't technically penalized it presents three rather niggly issues for search engines:\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t1. It's unclear which versions to include\/exclude from their indexes.\r\n\t\t2. They don't know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link equity, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions.\t\t\r\n\t\t3. The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. 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As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 0 words which is more than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your keyword density is 1.77% which is within the recommended 1-3%, nice work! This means your content has a better chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords, without appearing as spam.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"Your keyword density is between 1% and 3%"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You have 1 internal and 1 external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. In printed texts, a writer usually starts off with some kind of teaser, but there is no time for that if you are writing for the web. You only have seconds to gain your reader\u2019s attention. Make sure the first paragraph tells the main message of your post. That way, you make it easy for your reader to figure out what your post is about. Doing this also tells Google what your post is about. 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With that said, don't force keywords into all your titles - keep it natural, readable, and use moderation!","status_msg":"Your focus keyword was found in 1 subheadings"}}},"%_edit_lock%":"1645970507:7","%_edit_last%":"7","%_thumbnail_id%":"1217","%_wp_page_template%":"default","%_wds_trimmed_excerpt%":"In the 1950's, Uomachi Gintengai was born as the first shopping arcade in Japan. Many fine-food stores, general stores, and more are lined up along a 400-meter street that makes its way as far as Tanga Market. Among them can be found many local specialties such as fried udon. ...","%location%":"Uomachi Gintengai, 1 Chome-1 Uomachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan, 33.884693, 130.8800528, 12, EltVb21hY2hpIEdpbnRlbmdhaSwgMS1jaMWNbWUtMSBVb21hY2hpLCBLb2t1cmFraXRhIFdhcmQsIEtpdGFreXVzaHUsIEZ1a3Vva2EgODAyLTAwMDYsIEphcGFuIi4qLAoUChIJ0Qr5cE2_QzUR4G5l8SOjxi4SFAoSCcFYGg5Nv0M1EV-q3pJqP_tD, Uomachi Gintengai, Uomachi Gintengai, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 802-0006, Japan, JP","%_location%":"field_61464f73473d0","%_dt_sidebar_position%":"right","%_dt_sidebar_widgetarea_id%":"sidebar_1","%_dt_sidebar_hide_on_mobile%":"0","%_dt_footer_show%":"1","%_dt_footer_widgetarea_id%":"sidebar_2","%_dt_footer_hide_on_mobile%":"0","%_dt_header_title%":"enabled","%_dt_header_background%":"normal","%_dt_header_background_below_slideshow%":"disabled","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_color_scheme%":"light","%_dt_header_transparent_top_bar_bg_color%":"#ffffff","%_dt_header_transparent_top_bar_bg_opacity%":"25","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_color%":"#000000","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_opacity%":"50","%_dt_header_disabled_background%":"normal","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_color_scheme%":"light","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_top_bar_bg_color%":"#ffffff","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_top_bar_bg_opacity%":"25","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_color%":"#000000","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_opacity%":"50","%_dt_page_overrides_top_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_right_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_bottom_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_left_margin%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_top%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_right%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_bottom%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_left%":"","%_dt_post_options_back_button%":"","%_dt_post_options_hide_thumbnail%":"0","%_dt_post_options_related_mode%":"same","%_dt_post_options_preview%":"normal","%_dt_microsite_primary_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_split_left_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_split_right_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_mobile_menu%":"","%_elementor_edit_mode%":"builder","%_elementor_template_type%":"wp-post","%_elementor_version%":"3.5.5","%_elementor_pro_version%":"3.6.2","%_elementor_data%":"[{\"id\":\"7400ce5\",\"elType\":\"section\",\"settings\":[],\"elements\":[{\"id\":\"2145e89\",\"elType\":\"column\",\"settings\":{\"_column_size\":100,\"_inline_size\":null},\"elements\":[{\"id\":\"104fe35\",\"elType\":\"widget\",\"settings\":{\"title\":\"Uomachi Gintengai\",\"size\":\"medium\"},\"elements\":[],\"widgetType\":\"heading\"},{\"id\":\"3335f8c\",\"elType\":\"widget\",\"settings\":{\"editor\":\"

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\r\n Recycling Center For Waste Cans And Bottles<\/a>\r\n
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Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. 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In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You should consider adding at least one internal link to another related article.","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. 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The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is too long"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"An SEO description without your focus keywords has less chance of matching what your visitors are searching for, versus a description that does. It's worth trying to get your focus keywords in there, just remember to keep it readable and natural.","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description doesn't contain your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 120 and 160 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. 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One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"slug_underscores":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"We didn\u2019t detect underscores in your page URL {kitakyushu-environment-museum}. Good job!","more_info":"Google recommends using hyphens to separate words in the URLs instead of underscores, which helps search engines easily identify the page topic.","status_msg":"Your URL doesn\u2019t contain underscores"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your primary focused keyword isn\u2019t used on other pages on your site. Excellent!","more_info":"Using the same focus keywords on multiple pages or posts can affect your page's SEO ranking. 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Learn more about meta descriptions and best practices<\/a>.","status_msg":"Your meta description is autogenerated"}}},"%_edit_lock%":"1680692535:1","%_edit_last%":"7","%_thumbnail_id%":"1214","%_wp_page_template%":"default","%_wds_meta-robots-adv%":",","%_wds_trimmed_excerpt%":"In 1960's Kitakyushu faced serious pollution, causing \u201cSea of Death\u201d and "Rainbow Sky". After tramsforming into environmentally-friendly city, the city strives to maintain the name of World Capital of Sustainable Development. 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\r\n Higashida Daiichi Blast Furnace<\/a>\r\n
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<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","content":"The operation of Japan\u2019s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city\u00a0prospered as a steel town. The Higashida Daiichi\u00a0Blast Furnace is\u00a0a historical site symbolising Japan’s industrial revolution.","address":"Higashida Daiichi Blast Furnace (1901), 2 Chome-3-12 \u6771\u7530 Yahatahigashi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan","location":{"lat":33.8698386,"lng":130.8052331,"onclick_action":"marker","redirect_permalink":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/higashida-daiichi-blast-furnace\/","zoom":12,"extra_fields":{"post_excerpt":"The operation of Japan\u2019s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city\u00a0prospered as a steel town. The Higashida Daiichi\u00a0Blast Furnace is\u00a0a historical site symbolising Japan’s industrial revolution.","post_content":"\r\n

The operation of Japan\u2019s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city\u00a0prospered as a steel town. The Higashida Daiichi\u00a0Blast Furnace is\u00a0a historical site symbolising Japan's industrial revolution.<\/p>\r\n","post_title":"Higashida Daiichi Blast Furnace","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/higashida-daiichi-blast-furnace\/","post_featured_image":"

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Whilst it's recommended to try and get these words in, don't sacrifice readability and the quality of the SEO title just to rank higher - people may not want to click on it if it doesn't read well.","status_msg":"The SEO title contains your focus keyword(s)"},"title_length":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO title is 68 characters which is greater than the recommended 65 characters. Best practice is between 50 and 65 characters, with 60 being the sweet spot.","more_info":"Your SEO title is the most important element because it is what users will see in search engine results. You'll want to make sure that you have your focus keywords in there, that it's a nice length, and that people will want to click on it. Best practices suggest keeping your titles between 50 and 65 characters including spaces, though in some cases 60 is the sweetspot. The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is too long"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The focus keyword for this article appears in the SEO description which means it has a better chance of matching what your visitors will search for, brilliant!","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description contains your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 135 and 300 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO meta descriptions, just remember to make your description great for SEO, but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your meta description is a good length"},"slug_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keywords in the page slug which can help your page rank as you have a higher chance of matching search terms, and Google does index your page URL, great stuff!","more_info":"The page URL you use for this post will be visible in search engine results, so it's important to also include words that the searcher is looking for (your focus keywords). It's debatable whether keywords in the slug are of any real search engine ranking benefit. One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Focus keywords are intended to be unique so you're less likely to write duplicate content. Consider changing the focus keywords to something unique.","more_info":"\t\tWhilst duplicate content isn't technically penalized it presents three rather niggly issues for search engines:\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t1. It's unclear which versions to include\/exclude from their indexes.\r\n\t\t2. They don't know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link equity, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions.\t\t\r\n\t\t3. The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. Where possible, it\u2019s also a great opportunity to include your focus keyword(s) to further associate the article with the topic you\u2019re writing about.","more_info":"Image alternative text attributes help search engines correctly index images, aid visually impaired readers, and the text is used in place of the image if it's unable to load. You should add alternative text for all images in your content.","status_msg":"You haven't added any images"},"content_length":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The best practice minimum content length for the web is 300 words so we recommend you aim for at least this amount - the more the merrier.","more_info":"Content is ultimately the bread and butter of your SEO. Without words, your pages and posts will have a hard time ranking for the keywords you want them to. As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 27 words which is less than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. A low keyword density means your content has less chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You should consider adding at least one internal link to another related article.","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't added any internal or external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. In printed texts, a writer usually starts off with some kind of teaser, but there is no time for that if you are writing for the web. You only have seconds to gain your reader\u2019s attention. Make sure the first paragraph tells the main message of your post. That way, you make it easy for your reader to figure out what your post is about. Doing this also tells Google what your post is about. Don\u2019t forget to put your focus keyword in that first paragraph!\t\t\t\t\t","status_msg":"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of your article"},"subheadings_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Using subheadings in your content (such as H2's or H3's) will help both the user and search engines quickly figure out what your article is about. It also helps visually section your content which in turn is great user experience. We recommend you have at least one subheading.","more_info":"When trying to rank for certain keywords, those keywords should be found in as many key places as possible. Given that you're writing about the topic it only makes sense that you mention it in at least one of your subheadings. Headings are important for users as they break up your content and help readers figure out what the text is about. Same goes for search engines. 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In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Panphlet<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Next Generation Energy Park","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/next-generation-energy-park\/","post_featured_image":"

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The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. 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Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. 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Next Generation Energy Park<\\\/a><\\\/h5>\\n

In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the\\u00a0Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\\\/p>\\n\\n

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The Eco-Town Center was established in June 2001 as an environmental learning center to impart knowledge about the projects at Eco-Town and to become a comprehensive support location for the various enterprises at Eco-town. Eco-Town projects and also environment-related enterprises in Kitakyushu are introduced using panels and other exhibits at the Kitakyushu<\\\/a> Eco-Town Center. In addition, a tour of various recycling plants is offerd.<\\\/p>\\n



Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center pamphlet<\\\/a><\\\/strong><\\\/p>\\n

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In the 1950's, Uomachi Gintengai<\\\/a> was born as the first\\u00a0shopping arcade\\u00a0in Japan. Many fine-food stores, general stores, and more are lined up along a 400-meter street that makes its way as far as Tanga Market.\\u00a0Among them can be found many local specialties such as fried udon.\\u00a0Visitors will enjoy\\u00a0its lively atmosphere, wandering around. The solar panels attached its roof provided electricity for LED lights to lighten up itself.\\u00a0The UFO-like shape looks rather futuristic.Their\\u00a0initiatives\\u00a0won the 1st prize of 'Japan SDGs<\\\/a> Award' in 2019, with their various projects ranging from environmentally-friendly actions to peer-learning activities..<\\\/p>\"},\"elements\":[],\"widgetType\":\"text-editor\"}],\"isInner\":false}],\"isInner\":false}]","%_wp_old_date%":"2021-09-23","%_wds_ignored_checks%":"content_length, imgalts_keywords","%_elementor_controls_usage%":{"heading":{"count":1,"control_percent":1,"controls":{"content":{"section_title":{"title":1,"size":1}}}},"text-editor":{"count":1,"control_percent":0,"controls":{"content":{"section_editor":{"editor":1}}}},"column":{"count":1,"control_percent":0,"controls":[]},"section":{"count":1,"control_percent":0,"controls":[]}},"%insight_post_options%":"a:44:{s:12:\"post_gallery\";N;s:10:\"post_video\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"post_audio\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"post_quote_text\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"post_quote_name\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"post_quote_url\";s:0:\"\";s:9:\"post_link\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"site_layout\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"site_width\";s:0:\"\";s:16:\"site_top_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:19:\"site_bottom_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"site_class\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"site_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"site_background_image\";s:0:\"\";s:22:\"site_background_repeat\";s:9:\"no-repeat\";s:26:\"site_background_attachment\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"site_background_position\";s:0:\"\";s:20:\"site_background_size\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"content_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"content_background_image\";s:0:\"\";s:25:\"content_background_repeat\";s:9:\"no-repeat\";s:27:\"content_background_position\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"top_bar_type\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"header_type\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"header_overlay\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"header_skin\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"menu_display\";s:0:\"\";s:13:\"menu_one_page\";s:1:\"0\";s:16:\"custom_dark_logo\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"custom_light_logo\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"custom_logo_width\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"custom_sticky_logo_width\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"page_title_bar_layout\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"page_title_bar_bottom_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:31:\"page_title_bar_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:25:\"page_title_bar_background\";s:0:\"\";s:33:\"page_title_bar_background_overlay\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"page_title_bar_custom_heading\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"page_sidebar_1\";s:7:\"default\";s:14:\"page_sidebar_2\";s:7:\"default\";s:21:\"page_sidebar_position\";s:7:\"default\";s:17:\"revolution_slider\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"slider_position\";s:5:\"below\";s:13:\"footer_enable\";s:0:\"\";}","%sdgs%":"","%_sdgs%":"field_616e980165a0d","%is_featured%":"0","%_is_featured%":"field_6188689d41737","%_wds_focus-keywords%":"Uomachi Gintengai, Uomachi Gintengai Born","%_wds_meta-robots-adv%":",","%_wds_meta-robots-nofollow%":"","%_wds_meta-robots-noindex%":"","%wds_primary_category%":"16","%_betterdocs_reusable_block_ids%":"","%_elementor_page_assets%":{"styles":["widget-heading","widget-text-editor"]},"%_elementor_css%":{"time":1740023397,"fonts":[],"icons":[],"dynamic_elements_ids":[],"status":"inline","0":"","css":".elementor-1216 .elementor-element.elementor-element-7400ce5 > .elementor-container > .elementor-row{align-items:stretch;}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title{color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}.elementor-widget-heading.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title a:hover{color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}.elementor-widget-text-editor{color:var( --e-global-color-text );}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-stacked .elementor-drop-cap{background-color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-framed .elementor-drop-cap, .elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-default .elementor-drop-cap{color:var( --e-global-color-primary );border-color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}"},"taxonomy=category":"Facility","taxonomy=post_tag":"","taxonomy=post_format":""}},"id":1216,"infowindow_disable":false},{"source":"post","title":"Recycling Center For Waste Cans And Bottles","infowindow_content":"

\r\n Recycling Center For Waste Cans And Bottles<\/a>\r\n
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Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. 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In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You should consider adding at least one internal link to another related article.","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. 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The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is too long"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"An SEO description without your focus keywords has less chance of matching what your visitors are searching for, versus a description that does. It's worth trying to get your focus keywords in there, just remember to keep it readable and natural.","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description doesn't contain your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 120 and 160 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. 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One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"slug_underscores":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"We didn\u2019t detect underscores in your page URL {kitakyushu-environment-museum}. Good job!","more_info":"Google recommends using hyphens to separate words in the URLs instead of underscores, which helps search engines easily identify the page topic.","status_msg":"Your URL doesn\u2019t contain underscores"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your primary focused keyword isn\u2019t used on other pages on your site. Excellent!","more_info":"Using the same focus keywords on multiple pages or posts can affect your page's SEO ranking. 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Learn more about meta descriptions and best practices<\/a>.","status_msg":"Your meta description is autogenerated"}}},"%_edit_lock%":"1680692535:1","%_edit_last%":"7","%_thumbnail_id%":"1214","%_wp_page_template%":"default","%_wds_meta-robots-adv%":",","%_wds_trimmed_excerpt%":"In 1960's Kitakyushu faced serious pollution, causing \u201cSea of Death\u201d and "Rainbow Sky". After tramsforming into environmentally-friendly city, the city strives to maintain the name of World Capital of Sustainable Development. 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\r\n Higashida Daiichi Blast Furnace<\/a>\r\n
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<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","content":"The operation of Japan\u2019s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city\u00a0prospered as a steel town. The Higashida Daiichi\u00a0Blast Furnace is\u00a0a historical site symbolising Japan’s industrial revolution.","address":"Higashida Daiichi Blast Furnace (1901), 2 Chome-3-12 \u6771\u7530 Yahatahigashi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan","location":{"lat":33.8698386,"lng":130.8052331,"onclick_action":"marker","redirect_permalink":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/higashida-daiichi-blast-furnace\/","zoom":12,"extra_fields":{"post_excerpt":"The operation of Japan\u2019s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city\u00a0prospered as a steel town. The Higashida Daiichi\u00a0Blast Furnace is\u00a0a historical site symbolising Japan’s industrial revolution.","post_content":"\r\n

The operation of Japan\u2019s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city\u00a0prospered as a steel town. The Higashida Daiichi\u00a0Blast Furnace is\u00a0a historical site symbolising Japan's industrial revolution.<\/p>\r\n","post_title":"Higashida Daiichi Blast Furnace","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/higashida-daiichi-blast-furnace\/","post_featured_image":"

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Whilst it's recommended to try and get these words in, don't sacrifice readability and the quality of the SEO title just to rank higher - people may not want to click on it if it doesn't read well.","status_msg":"The SEO title contains your focus keyword(s)"},"title_length":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO title is 68 characters which is greater than the recommended 65 characters. Best practice is between 50 and 65 characters, with 60 being the sweet spot.","more_info":"Your SEO title is the most important element because it is what users will see in search engine results. You'll want to make sure that you have your focus keywords in there, that it's a nice length, and that people will want to click on it. Best practices suggest keeping your titles between 50 and 65 characters including spaces, though in some cases 60 is the sweetspot. The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is too long"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The focus keyword for this article appears in the SEO description which means it has a better chance of matching what your visitors will search for, brilliant!","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description contains your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 135 and 300 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO meta descriptions, just remember to make your description great for SEO, but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your meta description is a good length"},"slug_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keywords in the page slug which can help your page rank as you have a higher chance of matching search terms, and Google does index your page URL, great stuff!","more_info":"The page URL you use for this post will be visible in search engine results, so it's important to also include words that the searcher is looking for (your focus keywords). It's debatable whether keywords in the slug are of any real search engine ranking benefit. One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Focus keywords are intended to be unique so you're less likely to write duplicate content. Consider changing the focus keywords to something unique.","more_info":"\t\tWhilst duplicate content isn't technically penalized it presents three rather niggly issues for search engines:\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t1. It's unclear which versions to include\/exclude from their indexes.\r\n\t\t2. They don't know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link equity, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions.\t\t\r\n\t\t3. The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. Where possible, it\u2019s also a great opportunity to include your focus keyword(s) to further associate the article with the topic you\u2019re writing about.","more_info":"Image alternative text attributes help search engines correctly index images, aid visually impaired readers, and the text is used in place of the image if it's unable to load. You should add alternative text for all images in your content.","status_msg":"You haven't added any images"},"content_length":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The best practice minimum content length for the web is 300 words so we recommend you aim for at least this amount - the more the merrier.","more_info":"Content is ultimately the bread and butter of your SEO. Without words, your pages and posts will have a hard time ranking for the keywords you want them to. As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 27 words which is less than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. A low keyword density means your content has less chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You should consider adding at least one internal link to another related article.","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't added any internal or external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. In printed texts, a writer usually starts off with some kind of teaser, but there is no time for that if you are writing for the web. You only have seconds to gain your reader\u2019s attention. Make sure the first paragraph tells the main message of your post. That way, you make it easy for your reader to figure out what your post is about. Doing this also tells Google what your post is about. Don\u2019t forget to put your focus keyword in that first paragraph!\t\t\t\t\t","status_msg":"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of your article"},"subheadings_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Using subheadings in your content (such as H2's or H3's) will help both the user and search engines quickly figure out what your article is about. It also helps visually section your content which in turn is great user experience. We recommend you have at least one subheading.","more_info":"When trying to rank for certain keywords, those keywords should be found in as many key places as possible. Given that you're writing about the topic it only makes sense that you mention it in at least one of your subheadings. Headings are important for users as they break up your content and help readers figure out what the text is about. Same goes for search engines. 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In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Panphlet<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Next Generation Energy Park","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/next-generation-energy-park\/","post_featured_image":"

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The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. 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Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. 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Next Generation Energy Park<\\\/a><\\\/h5>\\n

In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the\\u00a0Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\\\/p>\\n\\n

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Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center pamphlet<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/kitakyushu-eco-town-center\/","post_featured_image":"

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The Eco-Town Center was established in June 2001 as an environmental learning center to impart knowledge about the projects at Eco-Town and to become a comprehensive support location for the various enterprises at Eco-town. Eco-Town projects and also environment-related enterprises in Kitakyushu are introduced using panels and other exhibits at the Kitakyushu<\\\/a> Eco-Town Center. In addition, a tour of various recycling plants is offerd.<\\\/p>\\n



Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center pamphlet<\\\/a><\\\/strong><\\\/p>\\n

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\r\n Uomachi Gintengai<\/a>\r\n
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<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","content":"In the 1950’s, Uomachi Gintengai was born as the first shopping arcade in Japan. Many fine-food stores, general stores, and more are lined up along a 400-meter street that makes its way as far as Tanga Market. Among them can be found many local specialties such as fried udon. Visitors will enjoy its lively atmosphere, wandering around. The solar panels attached its roof provided electricity for LED lights to lighten up itself. The UFO-like shape looks rather futuristic.Their initiatives won the 1st prize of ‘Japan SDGs Award’ in 2019, with their various projects ranging from environmentally-friendly actions to peer-learning activities..","address":"Uomachi Gintengai, 1 Chome-1 Uomachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan","location":{"lat":33.884693,"lng":130.8800528,"onclick_action":"marker","redirect_permalink":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/uomachi-gintengai\/","zoom":12,"extra_fields":{"post_excerpt":"In the 1950’s, Uomachi Gintengai was born as the first shopping arcade in Japan. Many fine-food stores, general stores, and more are lined up along a 400-meter street that makes its way as far as Tanga Market. Among them can be found many local specialties such as fried udon. Visitors will enjoy its lively atmosphere, wandering around. The solar panels attached its roof provided electricity for LED lights to lighten up itself. The UFO-like shape looks rather futuristic.Their initiatives won the 1st prize of ‘Japan SDGs Award’ in 2019, with their various projects ranging from environmentally-friendly actions to peer-learning activities..","post_content":"In the 1950's, Uomachi Gintengai was born as the first shopping arcade in Japan. Many fine-food stores, general stores, and more are lined up along a 400-meter street that makes its way as far as Tanga Market. Among them can be found many local specialties such as fried udon. Visitors will enjoy its lively atmosphere, wandering around. The solar panels attached its roof provided electricity for LED lights to lighten up itself. The UFO-like shape looks rather futuristic.Their initiatives won the 1st prize of 'Japan SDGs Award' in 2019, with their various projects ranging from environmentally-friendly actions to peer-learning activities..","post_title":"Uomachi Gintengai","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/uomachi-gintengai\/","post_featured_image":"
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Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"Your keyword density is between 1% and 3%"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. 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Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. In printed texts, a writer usually starts off with some kind of teaser, but there is no time for that if you are writing for the web. You only have seconds to gain your reader\u2019s attention. Make sure the first paragraph tells the main message of your post. That way, you make it easy for your reader to figure out what your post is about. Doing this also tells Google what your post is about. 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Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is a good length"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"An SEO description without your focus keywords has less chance of matching what your visitors are searching for, versus a description that does. It's worth trying to get your focus keywords in there, just remember to keep it readable and natural.","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description contains your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 135 and 300 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO meta descriptions, just remember to make your description great for SEO, but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your meta description is a good length"},"slug_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keywords in the page slug which can help your page rank as you have a higher chance of matching search terms, and Google does index your page URL, great stuff!","more_info":"The page URL you use for this post will be visible in search engine results, so it's important to also include words that the searcher is looking for (your focus keywords). It's debatable whether keywords in the slug are of any real search engine ranking benefit. One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Focus keywords are intended to be unique so you're less likely to write duplicate content. So far all your focus keywords are unique, way to go!","more_info":"\t\tWhilst duplicate content isn't technically penalized it presents three rather niggly issues for search engines:\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t1. It's unclear which versions to include\/exclude from their indexes.\r\n\t\t2. They don't know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link equity, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions.\t\t\r\n\t\t3. The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. Where possible, it\u2019s also a great opportunity to include your focus keyword(s) to further associate the article with the topic you\u2019re writing about.","more_info":"Image alternative text attributes help search engines correctly index images, aid visually impaired readers, and the text is used in place of the image if it's unable to load. You should add alternative text for all images in your content.","status_msg":"You haven't added any images"},"content_length":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Unless your website is a photography blog it's generally a good idea to include content for your visitors to read, and also for Google to index. Something, anything, is better than nothing.","more_info":"Content is ultimately the bread and butter of your SEO. Without words, your pages and posts will have a hard time ranking for the keywords you want them to. As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 0 words which is more than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. A low keyword density means your content has less chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You have 1 internal and 1 external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. In printed texts, a writer usually starts off with some kind of teaser, but there is no time for that if you are writing for the web. You only have seconds to gain your reader\u2019s attention. Make sure the first paragraph tells the main message of your post. That way, you make it easy for your reader to figure out what your post is about. Doing this also tells Google what your post is about. Don\u2019t forget to put your focus keyword in that first paragraph!\t\t\t\t\t","status_msg":"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of your article"},"subheadings_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've used keywords in 1 of your subheadings which will help both the user and search engines quickly figure out what your article is about, good work!","more_info":"When trying to rank for certain keywords, those keywords should be found in as many key places as possible. Given that you're writing about the topic it only makes sense that you mention it in at least one of your subheadings. Headings are important for users as they break up your content and help readers figure out what the text is about. Same goes for search engines. With that said, don't force keywords into all your titles - keep it natural, readable, and use moderation!","status_msg":"Your focus keyword was found in 1 subheadings"}}},"%_edit_lock%":"1645971713:7","%_edit_last%":"7","%_thumbnail_id%":"1229","%_wp_page_template%":"default","%_wds_meta-robots-adv%":",","%_wds_trimmed_excerpt%":"NPO I-DO conducts Bike Share Service in Kitakyushu, called 'City Bike Broject', contibuting to sound urban development. This service features electric assist bikes and 21 stations. 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\r\n Recycling Center For Plastic Containers And Package<\/a>\r\n
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\"Recycling<\/div>","post_categories":"Facility","post_tags":"","%_wds_readability%":"29, 29, , ","%_wds_analysis%":{"errors":{"wds-checks::metadesc_keywords":"The SEO description doesn't contain your focus keywords","wds-checks::metadesc_handcraft":"Your meta description is autogenerated","wds-checks::imgalts_keywords":"None of your image alt texts contain the focus keyword(s)","wds-checks::content_length":"The text contains 23 words which is less than the recommended minimum of 300 words","wds-checks::keyword_density":"You haven't used any keywords yet","wds-checks::links_count":"You haven't added any internal or external links in your content","wds-checks::para_keywords":"You haven't included the focus keywords in the first paragraph of your article","wds-checks::subheadings_keywords":"You don't have any subheadings"},"percentage":53,"checks":{"focus":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Nice work, now that we know what your article is about we can be more specific in analysis.","more_info":"Selecting focus keywords helps describe what your content is about.","status_msg":"There are some focus keywords"},"focus_stopwords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You kept the focus key phrase of your article to the point, way to go!","more_info":"Stop words are words which can be considered insignificant in a search query, either because they are way too common, or because they do not convey much information. Such words are often filtered out from a search query. Ideally, you will want such words to not be a part of your article focus.","status_msg":"Focus to the point"},"title_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keyword(s) in the SEO title meaning it has the best chance of matching what users are searching for first up - nice work.","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO title of a page because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the greater the chance that your article will be found higher up in search results. Whilst it's recommended to try and get these words in, don't sacrifice readability and the quality of the SEO title just to rank higher - people may not want to click on it if it doesn't read well.","status_msg":"The SEO title contains your focus keyword(s)"},"title_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO title is 51 characters which is between the recommended best practice of 50-65 characters.","more_info":"Your SEO title is the most important element because it is what users will see in search engine results. You'll want to make sure that you have your focus keywords in there, that it's a nice length, and that people will want to click on it. Best practices suggest keeping your titles between 50 and 65 characters including spaces, though in some cases 60 is the sweetspot. The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is a good length"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"An SEO description without your focus keywords has less chance of matching what your visitors are searching for, versus a description that does. It's worth trying to get your focus keywords in there, just remember to keep it readable and natural.","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description doesn't contain your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 120 and 160 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO meta descriptions, just remember to make your description great for SEO, but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your meta description is a good length"},"slug_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keywords in the page slug which can help your page rank as you have a higher chance of matching search terms, and Google does index your page URL, great stuff!","more_info":"The page URL you use for this post will be visible in search engine results, so it's important to also include words that the searcher is looking for (your focus keywords). It's debatable whether keywords in the slug are of any real search engine ranking benefit. One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"slug_underscores":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"We didn\u2019t detect underscores in your page URL {recycling-center-for-plastic-containers-and-package}. Good job!","more_info":"Google recommends using hyphens to separate words in the URLs instead of underscores, which helps search engines easily identify the page topic.","status_msg":"Your URL doesn\u2019t contain underscores"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your primary focused keyword isn\u2019t used on other pages on your site. Excellent!","more_info":"Using the same focus keywords on multiple pages or posts can affect your page's SEO ranking. Therefore, it's recommended to only use one primary focus keyword per page\/post on your site to improve its SEO ranking.","status_msg":"Primary focus keyword isn\u2019t used on another post\/page"},"metadesc_handcraft":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"We have detected that your meta description is autogenerated. We recommend crafting a custom description that includes relevant information about the page\/post content. It is also a good practice to have your focus keyword in the meta description and keep its length between 120 -160<\/strong> characters.","more_info":"You can think of the meta description as the summary of your page content. Handcrafting the meta description's main purpose is to increase your page's click-through rate on search engine result pages. Following the best practices when crafting the meta description increases the probability of displaying it on search engine result pages right after your page title. Learn more about meta descriptions and best practices<\/a>.","status_msg":"Your meta description is autogenerated"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. Where possible, it\u2019s also a great opportunity to include your focus keyword(s) to further associate the article with the topic you\u2019re writing about.","more_info":"Image alternative text attributes help search engines correctly index images, aid visually impaired readers, and the text is used in place of the image if it's unable to load. You should add alternative text for all images in your content.","status_msg":"None of your image alt texts contain the focus keyword(s)"},"content_length":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The best practice minimum content length for the web is 300 words so we recommend you aim for at least this amount - the more the merrier.","more_info":"Content is ultimately the bread and butter of your SEO. Without words, your pages and posts will have a hard time ranking for the keywords you want them to. As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 23 words which is less than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. A low keyword density means your content has less chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You should consider adding at least one internal link to another related article.","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. 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The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is too long"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The focus keyword for this article appears in the SEO description which means it has a better chance of matching what your visitors will search for, brilliant!","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. 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The operation of Japan\u2019s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city\u00a0prospered as a steel town. The Higashida Daiichi\u00a0Blast Furnace is\u00a0a historical site symbolising Japan's industrial revolution.<\/p>\r\n","post_title":"Higashida Daiichi Blast Furnace","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/higashida-daiichi-blast-furnace\/","post_featured_image":"

\"Higashida<\/div>","post_categories":"Facility","post_tags":"","%_edit_lock%":"1644894146:1","%_wds_analysis%":{"errors":{"wds-checks::focus":"There are no focus keywords","wds-checks::title_length":"Your SEO title is too long","wds-checks::imgalts_keywords":"You haven't added any images","wds-checks::content_length":"The text contains 27 words which is less than the recommended minimum of 300 words","wds-checks::links_count":"You haven't added any internal or external links in your content","wds-checks::subheadings_keywords":"You don't have any subheadings"},"percentage":58,"checks":{"focus":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"In order to give your content the best possible chance to be discovered, it is best to select some focus keywords or key phrases, to give it some context.","more_info":"Selecting focus keywords helps describe what your content is about.","status_msg":"There are no focus keywords"},"focus_stopwords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You kept the focus keywords of your article to the point, way to go!","more_info":"Stop words are words which can be considered insignificant in a search query, either because they are way too common, or because they do not convey much information. Such words are often filtered out from a search query. Ideally, you will want such words to not be a part of your article focus.","status_msg":"Focus to the point"},"title_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keyword(s) in the SEO title meaning it has the best chance of matching what users are searching for first up - nice work.","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO title of a page because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the greater the chance that your article will be found higher up in search results. Whilst it's recommended to try and get these words in, don't sacrifice readability and the quality of the SEO title just to rank higher - people may not want to click on it if it doesn't read well.","status_msg":"The SEO title contains your focus keyword(s)"},"title_length":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO title is 68 characters which is greater than the recommended 65 characters. Best practice is between 50 and 65 characters, with 60 being the sweet spot.","more_info":"Your SEO title is the most important element because it is what users will see in search engine results. You'll want to make sure that you have your focus keywords in there, that it's a nice length, and that people will want to click on it. Best practices suggest keeping your titles between 50 and 65 characters including spaces, though in some cases 60 is the sweetspot. The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is too long"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The focus keyword for this article appears in the SEO description which means it has a better chance of matching what your visitors will search for, brilliant!","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description contains your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 135 and 300 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO meta descriptions, just remember to make your description great for SEO, but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your meta description is a good length"},"slug_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keywords in the page slug which can help your page rank as you have a higher chance of matching search terms, and Google does index your page URL, great stuff!","more_info":"The page URL you use for this post will be visible in search engine results, so it's important to also include words that the searcher is looking for (your focus keywords). It's debatable whether keywords in the slug are of any real search engine ranking benefit. One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Focus keywords are intended to be unique so you're less likely to write duplicate content. Consider changing the focus keywords to something unique.","more_info":"\t\tWhilst duplicate content isn't technically penalized it presents three rather niggly issues for search engines:\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t1. It's unclear which versions to include\/exclude from their indexes.\r\n\t\t2. They don't know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link equity, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions.\t\t\r\n\t\t3. The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. Where possible, it\u2019s also a great opportunity to include your focus keyword(s) to further associate the article with the topic you\u2019re writing about.","more_info":"Image alternative text attributes help search engines correctly index images, aid visually impaired readers, and the text is used in place of the image if it's unable to load. You should add alternative text for all images in your content.","status_msg":"You haven't added any images"},"content_length":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The best practice minimum content length for the web is 300 words so we recommend you aim for at least this amount - the more the merrier.","more_info":"Content is ultimately the bread and butter of your SEO. Without words, your pages and posts will have a hard time ranking for the keywords you want them to. As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 27 words which is less than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. A low keyword density means your content has less chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You should consider adding at least one internal link to another related article.","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't added any internal or external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. In printed texts, a writer usually starts off with some kind of teaser, but there is no time for that if you are writing for the web. You only have seconds to gain your reader\u2019s attention. Make sure the first paragraph tells the main message of your post. That way, you make it easy for your reader to figure out what your post is about. Doing this also tells Google what your post is about. Don\u2019t forget to put your focus keyword in that first paragraph!\t\t\t\t\t","status_msg":"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of your article"},"subheadings_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Using subheadings in your content (such as H2's or H3's) will help both the user and search engines quickly figure out what your article is about. It also helps visually section your content which in turn is great user experience. We recommend you have at least one subheading.","more_info":"When trying to rank for certain keywords, those keywords should be found in as many key places as possible. Given that you're writing about the topic it only makes sense that you mention it in at least one of your subheadings. Headings are important for users as they break up your content and help readers figure out what the text is about. Same goes for search engines. With that said, don't force keywords into all your titles - keep it natural, readable, and use moderation!","status_msg":"You don't have any subheadings"}}},"%_wds_readability%":"8.2658333333334, 8.2658333333334, , ","%_thumbnail_id%":"1003","%_edit_last%":"2","%_wds_meta-robots-adv%":",","%location%":"Higashida Daiichi Blast Furnace (1901), 2 Chome-3-12 \u6771\u7530 Yahatahigashi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan, 33.8698386, 130.8052331, 12, ChIJH-v703_IQzUROfCs-6ZQl-c, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 805-0071, Japan, JP","%_location%":"field_61464f73473d0","%_dt_sidebar_position%":"right","%_dt_sidebar_widgetarea_id%":"sidebar_1","%_dt_sidebar_hide_on_mobile%":"0","%_dt_footer_show%":"1","%_dt_footer_widgetarea_id%":"sidebar_2","%_dt_footer_hide_on_mobile%":"0","%_dt_header_title%":"enabled","%_dt_header_background%":"normal","%_dt_header_background_below_slideshow%":"disabled","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_color_scheme%":"light","%_dt_header_transparent_top_bar_bg_color%":"#ffffff","%_dt_header_transparent_top_bar_bg_opacity%":"25","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_color%":"#000000","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_opacity%":"50","%_dt_header_disabled_background%":"normal","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_color_scheme%":"light","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_top_bar_bg_color%":"#ffffff","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_top_bar_bg_opacity%":"25","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_color%":"#000000","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_opacity%":"50","%_dt_page_overrides_top_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_right_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_bottom_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_left_margin%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_top%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_right%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_bottom%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_left%":"","%_dt_post_options_back_button%":"","%_dt_post_options_hide_thumbnail%":"0","%_dt_post_options_related_mode%":"same","%_dt_post_options_preview%":"normal","%_elementor_edit_mode%":"builder","%_elementor_template_type%":"wp-post","%_elementor_version%":"3.5.4","%_elementor_pro_version%":"3.5.2","%_wp_page_template%":"default","%_wds_trimmed_excerpt%":"The operation of Japan\u2019s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city\u00a0prospered as a steel town. 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\r\n Next Generation Energy Park<\/a>\r\n
{marker_address}<\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n
<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","content":"In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available. Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Panphlet","address":"Japan, Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Wakamatsu Ward, Hibikimachi, 2 Chome, \u97ff\u7058\u98a8\u529b\u767a\u96fb\u65bd\u8a2d","location":{"lat":33.9457864,"lng":130.7996459,"onclick_action":"marker","redirect_permalink":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/next-generation-energy-park\/","zoom":12,"extra_fields":{"post_excerpt":"In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available. Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Panphlet","post_content":"\n

In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Panphlet<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Next Generation Energy Park","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/next-generation-energy-park\/","post_featured_image":"

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Ideally, you will want such words to not be a part of your article focus.","status_msg":"Focus to the point"},"title_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keyword(s) in the SEO title meaning it has the best chance of matching what users are searching for first up - nice work.","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO title of a page because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the greater the chance that your article will be found higher up in search results. Whilst it's recommended to try and get these words in, don't sacrifice readability and the quality of the SEO title just to rank higher - people may not want to click on it if it doesn't read well.","status_msg":"The SEO title contains your focus keyword(s)"},"title_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO title is 64 characters which is between the recommended best practice of 50-65 characters.","more_info":"Your SEO title is the most important element because it is what users will see in search engine results. You'll want to make sure that you have your focus keywords in there, that it's a nice length, and that people will want to click on it. Best practices suggest keeping your titles between 50 and 65 characters including spaces, though in some cases 60 is the sweetspot. The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is a good length"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The focus keyword for this article appears in the SEO description which means it has a better chance of matching what your visitors will search for, brilliant!","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description contains your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 135 and 300 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO meta descriptions, just remember to make your description great for SEO, but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your meta description is a good length"},"slug_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keywords in the page slug which can help your page rank as you have a higher chance of matching search terms, and Google does index your page URL, great stuff!","more_info":"The page URL you use for this post will be visible in search engine results, so it's important to also include words that the searcher is looking for (your focus keywords). It's debatable whether keywords in the slug are of any real search engine ranking benefit. One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Focus keywords are intended to be unique so you're less likely to write duplicate content. So far all your focus keywords are unique, way to go!","more_info":"\t\tWhilst duplicate content isn't technically penalized it presents three rather niggly issues for search engines:\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t1. It's unclear which versions to include\/exclude from their indexes.\r\n\t\t2. They don't know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link equity, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions.\t\t\r\n\t\t3. The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. Where possible, it\u2019s also a great opportunity to include your focus keyword(s) to further associate the article with the topic you\u2019re writing about.","more_info":"Image alternative text attributes help search engines correctly index images, aid visually impaired readers, and the text is used in place of the image if it's unable to load. You should add alternative text for all images in your content.","status_msg":"You haven't added any images"},"content_length":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Unless your website is a photography blog it's generally a good idea to include content for your visitors to read, and also for Google to index. Something, anything, is better than nothing.","more_info":"Content is ultimately the bread and butter of your SEO. Without words, your pages and posts will have a hard time ranking for the keywords you want them to. As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 0 words which is more than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. A low keyword density means your content has less chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You have 1 internal and 1 external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. 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Next Generation Energy Park<\\\/a><\\\/h5>\\n

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The Eco-Town Center was established in June 2001 as an environmental learning center to impart knowledge about the projects at Eco-Town and to become a comprehensive support location for the various enterprises at Eco-town. Eco-Town projects and also environment-related enterprises in KItakyushu are introduced using panels and other exhibits at the Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center. In addition, a tour of various recycling plants is offerd.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center pamphlet<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/kitakyushu-eco-town-center\/","post_featured_image":"

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Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center pamphlet<\\\/a><\\\/strong><\\\/p>\\n

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In the 1950's, Uomachi Gintengai<\\\/a> was born as the first\\u00a0shopping arcade\\u00a0in Japan. Many fine-food stores, general stores, and more are lined up along a 400-meter street that makes its way as far as Tanga Market.\\u00a0Among them can be found many local specialties such as fried udon.\\u00a0Visitors will enjoy\\u00a0its lively atmosphere, wandering around. The solar panels attached its roof provided electricity for LED lights to lighten up itself.\\u00a0The UFO-like shape looks rather futuristic.Their\\u00a0initiatives\\u00a0won the 1st prize of 'Japan SDGs<\\\/a> Award' in 2019, with their various projects ranging from environmentally-friendly actions to peer-learning activities..<\\\/p>\"},\"elements\":[],\"widgetType\":\"text-editor\"}],\"isInner\":false}],\"isInner\":false}]","%_wp_old_date%":"2021-09-23","%_wds_ignored_checks%":"content_length, imgalts_keywords","%_elementor_controls_usage%":{"heading":{"count":1,"control_percent":1,"controls":{"content":{"section_title":{"title":1,"size":1}}}},"text-editor":{"count":1,"control_percent":0,"controls":{"content":{"section_editor":{"editor":1}}}},"column":{"count":1,"control_percent":0,"controls":[]},"section":{"count":1,"control_percent":0,"controls":[]}},"%insight_post_options%":"a:44:{s:12:\"post_gallery\";N;s:10:\"post_video\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"post_audio\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"post_quote_text\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"post_quote_name\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"post_quote_url\";s:0:\"\";s:9:\"post_link\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"site_layout\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"site_width\";s:0:\"\";s:16:\"site_top_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:19:\"site_bottom_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"site_class\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"site_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"site_background_image\";s:0:\"\";s:22:\"site_background_repeat\";s:9:\"no-repeat\";s:26:\"site_background_attachment\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"site_background_position\";s:0:\"\";s:20:\"site_background_size\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"content_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"content_background_image\";s:0:\"\";s:25:\"content_background_repeat\";s:9:\"no-repeat\";s:27:\"content_background_position\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"top_bar_type\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"header_type\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"header_overlay\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"header_skin\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"menu_display\";s:0:\"\";s:13:\"menu_one_page\";s:1:\"0\";s:16:\"custom_dark_logo\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"custom_light_logo\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"custom_logo_width\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"custom_sticky_logo_width\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"page_title_bar_layout\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"page_title_bar_bottom_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:31:\"page_title_bar_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:25:\"page_title_bar_background\";s:0:\"\";s:33:\"page_title_bar_background_overlay\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"page_title_bar_custom_heading\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"page_sidebar_1\";s:7:\"default\";s:14:\"page_sidebar_2\";s:7:\"default\";s:21:\"page_sidebar_position\";s:7:\"default\";s:17:\"revolution_slider\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"slider_position\";s:5:\"below\";s:13:\"footer_enable\";s:0:\"\";}","%sdgs%":"","%_sdgs%":"field_616e980165a0d","%is_featured%":"0","%_is_featured%":"field_6188689d41737","%_wds_focus-keywords%":"Uomachi Gintengai, Uomachi Gintengai Born","%_wds_meta-robots-adv%":",","%_wds_meta-robots-nofollow%":"","%_wds_meta-robots-noindex%":"","%wds_primary_category%":"16","%_betterdocs_reusable_block_ids%":"","%_elementor_page_assets%":{"styles":["widget-heading","widget-text-editor"]},"%_elementor_css%":{"time":1740023397,"fonts":[],"icons":[],"dynamic_elements_ids":[],"status":"inline","0":"","css":".elementor-1216 .elementor-element.elementor-element-7400ce5 > .elementor-container > .elementor-row{align-items:stretch;}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title{color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}.elementor-widget-heading.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title a:hover{color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}.elementor-widget-text-editor{color:var( --e-global-color-text );}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-stacked .elementor-drop-cap{background-color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-framed .elementor-drop-cap, .elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-default .elementor-drop-cap{color:var( --e-global-color-primary );border-color:var( --e-global-color-primary );}"},"taxonomy=category":"Facility","taxonomy=post_tag":"","taxonomy=post_format":""}},"id":1216,"infowindow_disable":false},{"source":"post","title":"Recycling Center For Waste Cans And Bottles","infowindow_content":"

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Two facilities recycling center<\\\/a> cover the whole area of the city Kitakyushu, dividing into the east and the west. They manually and mechanically sort out recyclable cans, glass and plastic bottles, milk cartons and food trays from what separately collected from households. 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Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO meta descriptions, just remember to make your description great for SEO, but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your meta description is a good length"},"slug_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keywords in the page slug which can help your page rank as you have a higher chance of matching search terms, and Google does index your page URL, great stuff!","more_info":"The page URL you use for this post will be visible in search engine results, so it's important to also include words that the searcher is looking for (your focus keywords). It's debatable whether keywords in the slug are of any real search engine ranking benefit. One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"slug_underscores":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"We didn\u2019t detect underscores in your page URL {recycling-center-for-plastic-containers-and-package}. Good job!","more_info":"Google recommends using hyphens to separate words in the URLs instead of underscores, which helps search engines easily identify the page topic.","status_msg":"Your URL doesn\u2019t contain underscores"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your primary focused keyword isn\u2019t used on other pages on your site. Excellent!","more_info":"Using the same focus keywords on multiple pages or posts can affect your page's SEO ranking. 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Learn more about meta descriptions and best practices<\/a>.","status_msg":"Your meta description is autogenerated"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. Where possible, it\u2019s also a great opportunity to include your focus keyword(s) to further associate the article with the topic you\u2019re writing about.","more_info":"Image alternative text attributes help search engines correctly index images, aid visually impaired readers, and the text is used in place of the image if it's unable to load. You should add alternative text for all images in your content.","status_msg":"None of your image alt texts contain the focus keyword(s)"},"content_length":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The best practice minimum content length for the web is 300 words so we recommend you aim for at least this amount - the more the merrier.","more_info":"Content is ultimately the bread and butter of your SEO. Without words, your pages and posts will have a hard time ranking for the keywords you want them to. As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 23 words which is less than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. A low keyword density means your content has less chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You should consider adding at least one internal link to another related article.","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. 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Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't added any internal or external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"It's good practice to include your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content so that search engines and visitors can quickly scope the topic of your article.","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. In printed texts, a writer usually starts off with some kind of teaser, but there is no time for that if you are writing for the web. You only have seconds to gain your reader\u2019s attention. Make sure the first paragraph tells the main message of your post. That way, you make it easy for your reader to figure out what your post is about. Doing this also tells Google what your post is about. Don\u2019t forget to put your focus keyword in that first paragraph!","status_msg":"You haven't included the focus keywords in the first paragraph of your article"},"subheadings_keywords":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Using subheadings in your content (such as H2's or H3's) will help both the user and search engines quickly figure out what your article is about. It also helps visually section your content which in turn is great user experience. We recommend you have at least one subheading.","more_info":"When trying to rank for certain keywords, those keywords should be found in as many key places as possible. Given that you're writing about the topic it only makes sense that you mention it in at least one of your subheadings. Headings are important for users as they break up your content and help readers figure out what the text is about. Same goes for search engines. 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\r\n Shinmoji Incineration Facility<\/a>\r\n
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The operation of Japan\u2019s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city\u00a0prospered as a steel town. The Higashida Daiichi\u00a0Blast Furnace is\u00a0a historical site symbolising Japan's industrial revolution.<\/p>\r\n","post_title":"Higashida Daiichi Blast Furnace","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/higashida-daiichi-blast-furnace\/","post_featured_image":"

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Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":false,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You should consider adding at least one internal link to another related article.","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't added any internal or external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. 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\r\n Next Generation Energy Park<\/a>\r\n
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In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Source : Kitakyushu Eco-Town Project Panphlet<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Next Generation Energy Park","post_link":"https:\/\/sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp\/facility\/next-generation-energy-park\/","post_featured_image":"

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Whilst it's recommended to try and get these words in, don't sacrifice readability and the quality of the SEO title just to rank higher - people may not want to click on it if it doesn't read well.","status_msg":"The SEO title contains your focus keyword(s)"},"title_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO title is 64 characters which is between the recommended best practice of 50-65 characters.","more_info":"Your SEO title is the most important element because it is what users will see in search engine results. You'll want to make sure that you have your focus keywords in there, that it's a nice length, and that people will want to click on it. Best practices suggest keeping your titles between 50 and 65 characters including spaces, though in some cases 60 is the sweetspot. The length is important both for SEO ranking but also how your title will show up in search engines - long titles will be cut off visually and look bad. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO titles, just remember to make your title great for SEO but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your SEO title is a good length"},"metadesc_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"The focus keyword for this article appears in the SEO description which means it has a better chance of matching what your visitors will search for, brilliant!","more_info":"It's considered good practice to try to include your focus keyword(s) in the SEO description of your pages, because this is what people looking for the article are likely searching for. The higher chance of a keyword match, the higher chance your article will be found higher up in search results. Remember this is your chance to give a potential visitor a quick peek into what's inside your article. If they like what they read they'll click on your link.","status_msg":"The SEO description contains your focus keywords"},"metadesc_length":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Your SEO description is a good length. Having an SEO description that is either too long or too short can harm your chances of ranking highly for this article.","more_info":"We recommend keeping your meta descriptions between 135 and 300 characters (including spaces). Doing so achieves a nice balance between populating your description with keywords to rank highly in search engines, and also keeping it to a readable length that won't be cut off in search engine results. Unfortunately there isn't a rule book for SEO meta descriptions, just remember to make your description great for SEO, but also (most importantly) readable and enticing for potential visitors to click on.","status_msg":"Your meta description is a good length"},"slug_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've got your focus keywords in the page slug which can help your page rank as you have a higher chance of matching search terms, and Google does index your page URL, great stuff!","more_info":"The page URL you use for this post will be visible in search engine results, so it's important to also include words that the searcher is looking for (your focus keywords). It's debatable whether keywords in the slug are of any real search engine ranking benefit. One could assume that because the slug does get indexed, the algorithm may favour slugs more closely aligned with the topic being searched.","status_msg":"You've used your focus keyword in the page URL"},"keywords_used":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Focus keywords are intended to be unique so you're less likely to write duplicate content. So far all your focus keywords are unique, way to go!","more_info":"\t\tWhilst duplicate content isn't technically penalized it presents three rather niggly issues for search engines:\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\t1. It's unclear which versions to include\/exclude from their indexes.\r\n\t\t2. They don't know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link equity, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions.\t\t\r\n\t\t3. The engine is unsure which version to rank for query results.\r\n\r\n\t\tSo whilst there's no direct penalty, if your content isn't unique then search engine algorithms could be filtering out your articles from their results. The easiest way to make sure this doesn't happen is to try and make each of your posts and pages as unique as possible, hence specifying different focus keywords for each article you write.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: If you happen to have two pages with the same content, it's important to tell search engines which one to show in search results using the Canonical URL feature. You can read more about this here<\/a>.\t\t","status_msg":"You haven't used this focus keyword before"},"imgalts_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Images are a great addition to any piece of content and it\u2019s highly recommended to have imagery on your pages. Consider adding a few images that relate to your body content to enhance the reading experience of your article. Where possible, it\u2019s also a great opportunity to include your focus keyword(s) to further associate the article with the topic you\u2019re writing about.","more_info":"Image alternative text attributes help search engines correctly index images, aid visually impaired readers, and the text is used in place of the image if it's unable to load. You should add alternative text for all images in your content.","status_msg":"You haven't added any images"},"content_length":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Unless your website is a photography blog it's generally a good idea to include content for your visitors to read, and also for Google to index. Something, anything, is better than nothing.","more_info":"Content is ultimately the bread and butter of your SEO. Without words, your pages and posts will have a hard time ranking for the keywords you want them to. As a base for any article best practice suggests a minimum of 300 words, with 1000 being a good benchmark and 1600 being the optimal. Numerous studies have uncovered that longer content tends to perform better than shorter content, with pages having 1000 words or more performing best. Whilst optimizing your content for search engines is what we're going for here, a proven bi-product is that high quality long form articles also tend to get shared more on social platforms. With the increasing power of social media as a tool for traffic it's a nice flow on effect of writing those juicy high quality articles your readers are waiting for.","status_msg":"The text contains 0 words which is more than the recommended minimum of 300 words"},"keyword_density":{"status":true,"ignored":true,"recommendation":"Currently you haven't used any keywords in your content. The recommended density is 1-3%. A low keyword density means your content has less chance of ranking highly for your chosen focus keywords.","more_info":"Keyword density is all about making sure your content is populated with enough keywords to give it a better chance of appearing higher in search results. One way of making sure people will be able to find our content is using particular focus keywords, and using them as much as naturally possible in our content. In doing this we are trying to match up the keywords that people are likely to use when searching for this article or page, so try to get into your visitors mind and picture them typing a search into Google. While we recommend aiming for 1-3% density, remember content is king and you don't want your article to end up sounding like a robot. Get creative and utilize the page title, image caption, and subheadings.","status_msg":"You haven't used any keywords yet"},"links_count":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"Internal links help search engines crawl your website, effectively pointing them to more pages to index on your website. You've already added 2 links, nice work!","more_info":"\t\tInternal links are important for linking together related content. Search engines will 'crawl' through your website, indexing pages and posts as they go. To help them discover all the juicy content your website has to offer, it's wise to make sure your content has internal links built in for bots to follow and index.\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tExternal links don't benefit your SEO by having them in your own content, but you'll want to try and get as many other websites linking to your articles and pages as possible. Search engines treat links to your website as a 'third party vote' in favour of your website - like a vote of confidence. Since they're the hardest form of 'validation' to get (another website has to endorse you!) search engines weight them heavily when considering page rank. For more info: https:\/\/moz.com\/learn\/seo\/internal-link<\/a>\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\tNote: This check is only looking at the content your page is outputting and doesn't include your main navigation. Blogs with lots of posts will benefit the most from this method, as it aids Google in finding and indexing all of your content, not just the latest articles.\t\t","status_msg":"You have 1 internal and 1 external links in your content"},"para_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've included your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your content, which will help search engines and visitors quickly scope the topic of your article. Well done!","more_info":"You should clearly formulate what your post is about in the first paragraph. In printed texts, a writer usually starts off with some kind of teaser, but there is no time for that if you are writing for the web. You only have seconds to gain your reader\u2019s attention. Make sure the first paragraph tells the main message of your post. That way, you make it easy for your reader to figure out what your post is about. Doing this also tells Google what your post is about. Don\u2019t forget to put your focus keyword in that first paragraph!\t\t\t\t\t","status_msg":"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of your article"},"subheadings_keywords":{"status":true,"ignored":false,"recommendation":"You've used keywords in 1 of your subheadings which will help both the user and search engines quickly figure out what your article is about, good work!","more_info":"When trying to rank for certain keywords, those keywords should be found in as many key places as possible. Given that you're writing about the topic it only makes sense that you mention it in at least one of your subheadings. Headings are important for users as they break up your content and help readers figure out what the text is about. Same goes for search engines. With that said, don't force keywords into all your titles - keep it natural, readable, and use moderation!","status_msg":"Your focus keyword was found in 1 subheadings"}}},"%_wds_readability%":"9, 9, , ","%_edit_last%":"7","%_wds_meta-robots-adv%":",","%_dt_sidebar_position%":"right","%_dt_sidebar_widgetarea_id%":"sidebar_1","%_dt_sidebar_hide_on_mobile%":"0","%_dt_footer_show%":"1","%_dt_footer_widgetarea_id%":"sidebar_2","%_dt_footer_hide_on_mobile%":"0","%_dt_header_title%":"enabled","%_dt_header_background%":"normal","%_dt_header_background_below_slideshow%":"disabled","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_color_scheme%":"light","%_dt_header_transparent_top_bar_bg_color%":"#ffffff","%_dt_header_transparent_top_bar_bg_opacity%":"25","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_color%":"#000000","%_dt_header_transparent_bg_opacity%":"50","%_dt_header_disabled_background%":"normal","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_color_scheme%":"light","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_top_bar_bg_color%":"#ffffff","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_top_bar_bg_opacity%":"25","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_color%":"#000000","%_dt_header_disabled_transparent_bg_opacity%":"50","%_dt_page_overrides_top_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_right_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_bottom_margin%":"","%_dt_page_overrides_left_margin%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_top%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_right%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_bottom%":"","%_dt_mobile_page_padding_left%":"","%_dt_post_options_back_button%":"","%_dt_post_options_hide_thumbnail%":"0","%_dt_post_options_related_mode%":"same","%_dt_post_options_preview%":"normal","%_elementor_template_type%":"wp-post","%_elementor_version%":"3.6.7","%_elementor_pro_version%":"3.7.2","%_thumbnail_id%":"965","%location%":"Japan, Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Wakamatsu Ward, Hibikimachi, 2 Chome, \u97ff\u7058\u98a8\u529b\u767a\u96fb\u65bd\u8a2d, 33.9457864, 130.7996459, 19, ChIJE1t3VNS5QzURR_FTaZtd1ak, \u97ff\u7058\u98a8\u529b\u767a\u96fb\u65bd\u8a2d, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 808-0021, Japan, JP","%_location%":"field_61464f73473d0","%_wp_page_template%":"default","%_wds_trimmed_excerpt%":"In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovat ...","%_dt_microsite_primary_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_split_left_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_split_right_menu%":"","%_dt_microsite_mobile_menu%":"","%_elementor_edit_mode%":"builder","%insight_post_options%":"a:44:{s:12:\"post_gallery\";N;s:10:\"post_video\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"post_audio\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"post_quote_text\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"post_quote_name\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"post_quote_url\";s:0:\"\";s:9:\"post_link\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"site_layout\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"site_width\";s:0:\"\";s:16:\"site_top_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:19:\"site_bottom_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"site_class\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"site_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"site_background_image\";s:0:\"\";s:22:\"site_background_repeat\";s:9:\"no-repeat\";s:26:\"site_background_attachment\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"site_background_position\";s:0:\"\";s:20:\"site_background_size\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"content_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"content_background_image\";s:0:\"\";s:25:\"content_background_repeat\";s:9:\"no-repeat\";s:27:\"content_background_position\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"top_bar_type\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"header_type\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"header_overlay\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"header_skin\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"menu_display\";s:0:\"\";s:13:\"menu_one_page\";s:1:\"0\";s:16:\"custom_dark_logo\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"custom_light_logo\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"custom_logo_width\";s:0:\"\";s:24:\"custom_sticky_logo_width\";s:0:\"\";s:21:\"page_title_bar_layout\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"page_title_bar_bottom_spacing\";s:0:\"\";s:31:\"page_title_bar_background_color\";s:0:\"\";s:25:\"page_title_bar_background\";s:0:\"\";s:33:\"page_title_bar_background_overlay\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"page_title_bar_custom_heading\";s:0:\"\";s:14:\"page_sidebar_1\";s:7:\"default\";s:14:\"page_sidebar_2\";s:7:\"default\";s:21:\"page_sidebar_position\";s:7:\"default\";s:17:\"revolution_slider\";s:0:\"\";s:15:\"slider_position\";s:5:\"below\";s:13:\"footer_enable\";s:0:\"\";}","%sdgs%":"","%_sdgs%":"field_616e980165a0d","%is_featured%":"0","%_is_featured%":"field_6188689d41737","%_wds_ignored_checks%":"content_length, keyword_density, imgalts_keywords","%_elementor_data%":"[{\"id\":\"7ea82608\",\"elType\":\"section\",\"settings\":[],\"elements\":[{\"id\":\"c1506aa\",\"elType\":\"column\",\"settings\":{\"_column_size\":100},\"elements\":[{\"id\":\"76784491\",\"elType\":\"widget\",\"settings\":{\"editor\":\"\\n
Next Generation Energy Park<\\\/a><\\\/h5>\\n

In the Next Generation Energy Park, visitors can observe various enegy-related initiatives including energy supply bases that support our lifestyles, natural energy and biomass energy, which are expected to become the next-generation energy sources, and also inter-company cooperation and innovative technology research. Visitors can learn about energy at the display section at the\\u00a0Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center Annex. Observation tours of each facility in the Next generation Energy Park are also available.<\\\/p>\\n\\n

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