Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All (SDG 7)


Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All (SDG 7)

The operation of Japan’s first steelworks began in Kitakyushu and the city prospered as a steel town. In 1960’s Kitakyushu faced serious pollution, causing “Sea of Death”. In the morning of the Day 3 we visited the Higashida Daiichi(No.1) Blast Furnace, a historical site symbolising Japan’s industrial revolution, and at the Kitakyushu Innovation Gallary & studio near the site the participants saw a documentary on Yawata Steel Work, whose historical facility is one of a series of the component parts of a UNESCO World Heritage. Then it was followed by a very impressive study tour to the Kitakyushu Environment Museum, which shows the history of the city overcoming severe environmental pollution. In the afternoon, we had a lecture on the development of Higashida region, where the “Kitakyushu Smart Community Creation Project” was conducted. We walked around the area, ending with a demonstration of how a hydrogen car can lighten up an eco-friendly house.

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