Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (SDG 12)


Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (SDG 12)

We focused on environmental policies in Kitakyushu on the Day 4, consisting of 2 cite visits and 3 lectures. We started at a local railway station and toured the Kogasaki incineration plant to learn disposal and treatment of municipal solid waste as well as the mechanism of waste-to-energy, and then moved to the Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center, one of the largest recycling facilities in Japan, to see how the ‘Eco-Town Project’ has been developed. In the afternoon, a series of lectures began with a presentation by Mr. Yuji Aoyagi from the Kitakyushu City government on the environmental policy in Kitakyushu. Without break, the participants concentrated on the consecutive talks presented by 2 speakers, Mr. Kohei Hibino and Dr. Junko Akagi, both are researchers at the IGES Kitakyushu Urban Centre. They elabolated ‘Food Waste Recycle’ and ‘Low-Carbon-City Development in Kitakyushu’ respectively.

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