5-7 March 2024

IGES Kitakyushu Urban Center held the “5th Kitakyushu SDGs Training” from March 5th to 7th, 2024. A group of 13 international university and graduate students from in and out of Kitakyushu City gathered to learn the SDGs through on-site visits and dialogue with stakeholders in renewable industries in Kitakyushu, and fostered their own views to become contributors of a sustainable society.
The training kicked off with the 2030 SDGs Game, in which the participants realized the correlation between the environment, economy, and society. Then, the participants visited Kitakyushu Environment Museum to learned about the history of overcoming pollution, and experienced a hydrogen model house in the Higashida area. The second day was an excursion to Kitakyushu City Eco Town. The participants had a valuable opportunity to take a close look at the manufacturing site of the offshore wind foundations, and overwhelmed by the size and number of them! They also visited the wind power maintenance and human resource development business, and solar panel recycling factory, as well as learned about the local energy production and local consumption. At the end, the participants visualized their internal thoughts using the LEGO® Serious Play® method, and shared each take away and the views on what each could take a part in sustainability.
Thank you very much for kind cooperation to NPO Satoyama, Kitakyushu City Eco Town Center, Hokutaku Co., Ltd., Nippon Steel Engineering Co., Ltd., Shinryo Corporation, and Kitakyushu Power Co., Ltd. And, thank you very much for the proactive participation to the participants from the University of Kitakyushu, Kyushu Institute of Technology. Kyushu University, Nagasaki University, Kobe University, Doshisha University, Keio University, and Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillon!